Tree Garden
This is a place about which very little should be written even if I could fill volumes. It’s a landscape that exists post-internet, a place for those who find it. Arboretum founder Buz Brenton commissioned me to engage with this landscape, which has resulted in an ongoing study of place where lessons are slow. Buz calls this place a tree garden, which gives me a lot to think about. What is a garden but a place where things are planted? "I don't really care what it looks like but it gives me something to do and a place to be,” says Buz. Often throughout the design phase of the project I asked myself what more I needed to do. When I’d consider an idea, I’d ask why not. But Buz’s benchmark was the ultimate metric: “It’s just a whisper back there. It is in plain sight but hidden.” Tree choice was agonizing. This was for Buz, after all.